USAID CWC Community Engagement

At WCS, we believe that working with the people that live close and interface with wildlife daily is key in fighting against wildlife crime through varius innitiatives.

Beehive fence as an elephant human intervention

CWS supports apiary projects/ beekeeping community initiatives as a sustainable and effective way to mitigate human elephant  conflict in a section which has been identified as an elephant crossing hotspot in Karuma Wildlife Reserve, in MFCA.

Through promoting this community livelihood intervention, we believe that these communities are empowered to be the first line of defense and campaigners against poaching and wildlife crime. They see much value in keeping the keeping the elephant which brought the beehive project now than before.

Community Reserve Sharing Regulations

As part of the strategy to create more public appreciation, awareness, and community support for wildlife in Uganda. CWC Activity is popularizing the UWA revenue sharing program in all its community engagement. Read more about UWA revenue sharing.

KWR Frontline schools’ engagement

Schools are part of our community engagement. School going children study about the values of wildlife, quickly internalize the laws and regulations and are our voice to their parents. Through working with the wildlife clubs, district tourism and environment officers, we believe that our programs are planting a seed of change, people that understand the values of biodiversity and specifically wildlife beyond just as a food source. We can shape the attitude of these young people who have not made up their morals, we can be sure that they will grow up as responsible stewards.