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Entries for October 2015

Call For Nomination of Individuals to serve as trustees of the Uganda Biodiversity Trust Fund (UBTF)

Views: 2440
(October 20, 2015) PUBLIC NOTICE   REQUEST FOR NOMINATION OF INDIVIDUALS TO SERVE AS TRUSTEES OF THE UGANDA BIODIVERSITY TRUST FUND (UBTF)   The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) presents its compliments to you for the continuous effort to promote the conservation of biodiversity in Uganda and presents the following request for your consideration and assistance.   As you may be aware, WCS, with funding from USAID, has since October 2014 been facilitating a process to establish an institution that...


Evaluation of oil impacts on elephants shows changes in their behaviours

Views: 4008
(October 15, 2015) WCS scientists have recently completed an analysis of the impacts of oil and gas exploration and seismic surveys on elephants in the Murchison Falls National Park which shows that elephants are reacting negatively to the oil developments.  Elephants were shown to move away from well pad sites while under construction and when they were being drilled as much as 5 kilometres away from the pad. Elephant movement behaviour changed in the vicinity of well pads or seismic activity including movin...


WCS nearly doubles the biodiversity known for Murchison Falls Protected Area.

Views: 3239
(October 14, 2015) WCS researchers together with experts from Makerere University have nearly doubled the number of species that are known from Murchison Falls Protected Area (MFPA),  including Murchison Falls National Park, Bugungu and Karuma Wildlife Reserves. MFPA is at the northern end of the Albertine Rift ecoregions, one of Africa’s most biodiverse hotspots. Surveys were made of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and plants and identified more than 1,500 species in these taxa, including 144 mamm...